1. 1:Domain Name: According to search engine your keyword must be present on your domain name(If possible) ex: https://digitalmarketingjob.in
  2. 2:URL Structure(Permalink): According to search engine your page name, post name, product name, slug should be keywords name. Do not use special characters like %, ?,_ in the url. ex: https://digitalmarketingjob.in/what-is-keyword-and-keyword-analysis/
  3. 3:Title Tag: Put inside the head section according to search engine your keyword must be present on you title within a 60 characters. Each and every page post, product should have a unique title. Do not use keyword stuffing. ex: <title>Digital Marketing Training, Institute, School In Noida – DMP</title>
  4. 4:Meta tag: Meta specially design for search engine. There are different types of meta tag.
    1. Meta Description : According to search engine your keyword must be present on your meta description withn a 160 characters. Do not use keyword stuffing each and every page should have a unique meta description. ex: <meta name=”description” content=”Digital marketing ….. 160char” />
    2. *Meta Keywords: Meta keywords provide your keyword list to search engine crawlers(This time search engine not consider this tag) ex: <meta name=”Keywords” content=”Digital marketing ….. no limit” />
    3. *Meta Robots: This is use for disallowing/allowing any files for crawlers.syntax for disallow:<meta name=”robots” content=”noindex, nofollow” />syntax for allow:<meta name=”robots” content=”index, follow” />
    4. Meta Google Site Verification: It shows your website has been submitted on google search console(Google Webmaster)ex: <meta name=”google-site-verification” content=”XbbjIZC0″ />
      1. Note: Google Search Console– This is a google tool which provide your website health or problems according to google like security error, sitemap error, 404 error etc.
      2. How to get this code: Go to Google Search Console – Submit ur site- get google Meta Google Site Verification Code and paste this code on ur website home page in head section and verified Google Search Console
  5. 5: Google Analytics: This is a google tool which provide your website performance like traffic, session, users, page view, country, city etc.
  • script>
  • window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
  • function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
  • gtag(‘js’, new Date());
  • gtag(‘config’, ‘G-C20NWT5TLR’);
    • How to get this code: Go to google – > search google Analytics -> Submit ur site -> get Code ->Paste on ur website Head section each pages.
